Spring Boot Redis Cache POJOs and Test

Using Redis as a cache in a Spring Boot application to store a list of ErrorMessage POJOs involves several steps. Here's a general guide on how you can achieve this:

  1. Add Dependencies: Ensure you have the necessary dependencies in your pom.xml (for Maven) or build.gradle (for Gradle) file. You'll need spring-boot-starter-data-redis and possibly spring-boot-starter-web, along with your usual Spring Boot starters.

    For Maven, add the following dependencies:


    For Gradle, add:

     implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-redis'
     implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
  2. Redis Configuration: Configure Redis in your application.properties or application.yml file. You'll need to specify details like the Redis server host, port, and possibly authentication details.

    Example application.properties:

  3. Create the ErrorMessage POJO: This is a simple Java class that represents the data you want to cache. Ensure it is serializable.


     import java.io.Serializable;
     public class ErrorMessage implements Serializable {
         private String code;
         private String message;
         // getters and setters
  4. Redis Template Configuration: Configure a RedisTemplate bean to handle the serialization and deserialization of your objects. You can use StringRedisTemplate for simple use cases or define a custom RedisTemplate for complex types.


     public RedisTemplate<String, ErrorMessage> redisTemplate(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
         RedisTemplate<String, ErrorMessage> template = new RedisTemplate<>();
         // Additional configuration...
         return template;
  5. Caching Service: Create a service that uses RedisTemplate to store and retrieve your ErrorMessage objects.


     public class ErrorMessageCacheService {
         private RedisTemplate<String, List<ErrorMessage>> redisTemplate;
         public void cacheErrorMessages(String key, List<ErrorMessage> errorMessages) {
             redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(key, errorMessages);
         public List<ErrorMessage> getErrorMessages(String key) {
             return redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(key);
  6. Use the Caching Service: In your application, use the ErrorMessageCacheService to store and retrieve error messages.

     public class ErrorMessageController {
         private ErrorMessageCacheService cacheService;
         // Endpoint to add error messages to cache
         // Endpoint to retrieve error messages from cache
  7. Running the Application: Make sure your Redis server is running, and then start your Spring Boot application.

Remember to handle exceptions and edge cases, such as what happens when the Redis server is down or unreachable. Also, consider setting an expiration time for cached data if it's necessary for your use case.

Testing a Spring Boot application that uses Redis for caching involves a few strategies. You can use unit testing for individual components and integration testing for testing the interaction with Redis. Here’s how you can approach it:

Unit Testing

  1. Mock Dependencies: Use mocking frameworks like Mockito to mock the dependencies such as RedisTemplate. This way, you can test the service layer without needing an actual Redis instance.

  2. Service Layer Testing: Test the service methods by mocking the RedisTemplate and verifying the interactions with it.


class ErrorMessageCacheServiceTest {

    private RedisTemplate<String, List<ErrorMessage>> redisTemplate;

    private ErrorMessageCacheService cacheService;

    void testCacheErrorMessages() {
        List<ErrorMessage> errorMessages = //... create a list of error messages
        String key = "errorKey";

        cacheService.cacheErrorMessages(key, errorMessages);
        verify(redisTemplate).opsForValue().set(key, errorMessages);

    void testGetErrorMessages() {
        String key = "errorKey";
        List<ErrorMessage> expectedMessages = //... create expected messages

        List<ErrorMessage> result = cacheService.getErrorMessages(key);
        assertEquals(expectedMessages, result);

Integration Testing

For integration testing, you can use either an embedded Redis server or Testcontainers.

  1. Embedded Redis: Use an embedded Redis server like redis.embedded.RedisServer for integration tests. This will start a Redis server during your tests.

  2. Testcontainers: Testcontainers is a popular library for running database instances in Docker containers during tests. This is a more realistic approach as it uses an actual Redis server.

Example using Testcontainers:

class ErrorMessageCacheServiceIntegrationTest {

    public static RedisContainer redisContainer = new RedisContainer(

    static void redisProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
        registry.add("spring.redis.host", redisContainer::getHost);
        registry.add("spring.redis.port", redisContainer::getFirstMappedPort);

    private ErrorMessageCacheService cacheService;

    void testCacheAndRetrieveErrorMessages() {
        List<ErrorMessage> errorMessages = //... create a list of error messages
        String key = "errorKey";

        cacheService.cacheErrorMessages(key, errorMessages);
        List<ErrorMessage> retrieved = cacheService.getErrorMessages(key);

        assertEquals(errorMessages, retrieved);

Make sure to have the Testcontainers dependency in your pom.xml or build.gradle file.


  • Unit Tests: Focus on testing the logic of your application without the overhead of connecting to the actual Redis instance.

  • Integration Tests: Ensure that your application interacts correctly with Redis.

  • Error Handling: Test how your application behaves when Redis is down or unreachable.

  • Test Profiles: Use different Spring profiles for testing and production to avoid configuration conflicts.

  • Data Cleanup: Especially in integration tests, ensure that each test method cleans up its data to avoid interference with other tests.

By combining these testing strategies, you can effectively test your application's Redis caching functionality.